HOME registration Translator, transcription name, surname, patronymic and other data into English for ...

From this article you will learn how to make the name, surname and patronymic for Aliexpress.

Aliexpressit is a Chinese online store to buy goods of a variety of categories. If the site was made in Chinese, it would hardly have attracted many buyers, as far from everyone knows Chinese. Therefore, the site has been translated into Russian and other languages \u200b\u200bfor greater convenience. But English is always used to communicate and enter data. This is done because this language is international and for understanding it is easier in any country. So, the Chinese is easier to understand the English words than the Russians.

In any case, even English causes many questions. In particular, this concerns the correctness of the input of information, because it is not always clear how to correctly fill in the delivery address and register. Let's find out how to properly write your name and shipping address in English on Aliexpress.

If you are just starting to work with this platform, you should further explore the article on the link here. She will tell you how to register and make the first order.

How to write the surname, name and patronymic in English for Aliexpress: Transcription, translator

Immediately, we note that at least you need to write a full name in English, it does not mean that they should be really translated into English. It is enough just to write them on Latin. Thus, you will have Russian words, but only by English letters.

There should be no difficulties in this regard, but still, if there are difficult letters come across, then people are lost. Therefore, smart people created a special translator, which is just doing from Russian words Latin. It is very convenient and many users Aliexpress They used them at least once. Called service Translit.net..



Immediately when opening the main page it becomes clear how simple everything is. In fact, you do nothing but the main page and is not required. There is a lot of any buttons here, but you are not needed. Your task is to simply specify the necessary information in Russian and click on the button. "In Translite". After that, you can copy the information and transfer it to Aliexpress.

How to write the middle name of Yuryevna in English for Aliexpress: examples

Often users on Aliexpress faced with what you need to write any information on Latin, but only for one letter you have to use two Latin. One of the complex words can be called patronymic "Yuryevna". How to write it right on Latin?

On the Internet there are several options for writing this word:

  • Iurevna.
  • Yurevna.
  • Jur'evna.

Although all these options are correct, but still it is better to use the second. It is much easier to understand, and therefore mail employees do not have to suffer with the translation.

Video: MY ALIEXPRESS: Registration for Aliexpress

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