HOME. Tracking and delivery What is the status of sending "Departure from Outward Office of Exchange" to Aliexpress? ...

In this article, we will talk to the status of the "Departure from Outward Office of Exchange" sending Aliexpress And how it is translated.

Each user Aliexpresshe knows that the parcels can be tracked. It is not difficult at all, that's just when trying to understand what means one or another status, it turns out something completely incomprehensible. We decided to discuss in this article one of the status tracking entitled "Departure from Outward Office Of Exchange". What does it mean and how to properly translate it into Russian?

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What is the status of the "Departure from Outward Office of Exchange" parcels on Aliexpress?



If you try to translate status on Aliexpressinto Russian, then it turns out something like "Departure from the Internal Office of Exchange". It is completely incomprehensible what is meant. What is the exchange office? In fact, everything is much easier and this status says that the parcel just left the next sorting center, so you don't need to be afraid.

Thus, the goods passed the sorting and now follows to another sort item. There are such situations where the goods have already been sent further, but for some reason the status remains the same. Why it happens?

The fact is that when the parcel arrives in the next item for sorting, it is not immediately recorded in the system, as there may be a high load on the item. Therefore, most often, in such cases, the parcel is simply waiting for its turn when they register it. Most of the status is highlighted no more than two weeks. Be sure to pay attention to how the statuses change and, if any hanging is too long - more than two weeks, then be sure to contact the seller and ask to know what with your package.

Video: How to track the parcels with Aliexpress?

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