Rating of manual steam cleaners on Aliexpress, popular in 2020: Review of models and tips for purchase, links to the 2020 catalog
A steam cleaner is a comfortable cleaning device at home. In a large assortment, these devices are presented on Aliexpress. Let's find out which of them are considered the best.
The cleanliness in the house is easy to enjoy using a manual steam cleaner. If you contact the manufacturers, they are all as one claim that their devices are able to remove absolutely any pollution and kill microbes. In reality, everything is somewhat different. Each steam cleaner works the same - water in the reservoir is heated, and then under pressure it goes to the surface.
The temperature is very high and the microbes are really dying, but the dirt with the bloom is hardly removed. If you do not remove them with a cloth, they will dry and there will be no effect. Despite all the flaws, steam cleaners are in great demand, especially on Aliexpress. Let's find out which of them are the best in 2020.
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Rating of manual steam cleaners for Aliexpress, popular in 2020: Review, Tips for purchase, Links to Catalog 2020
As a rule, active advertising strongly idealizes the possibilities of devices, and therefore they have not only fans, but also ill-wishers. In particular, many contradictions can be heard about Chinese steam cleaners. This is due to the fact that people for little money are waiting for the device impossible. That's just the savings too, with the mind. On Aliexpress v directory 2020. There are many cheap models, both reliable and not very. Let's find out what are the best.
5th place. OneZili EM-302

OneZili EM-302
The floor in the house, plumbing and the tile will shine cleanliness if you purchase such an assistant for home. The presented model was deservedly gained popularity, because it is multifunctional. In addition to the device itself, there are additional nozzles. Sellers assume that it is possible to pour out simple water to work, but it is better to take at least purified.
Onezili EM-302 is a budget option and many of him appreciate the convenience. The form of the device and the nozzles are perfectly thought out. They are truth functional. The only thing that this steam cleaner does not have protection against steam. Therefore, so as not to burn, you need to use it carefully. Although, in general, this is a good device for a short job.
4th place. SOARIN 3 IN 1

The Chinese really like to combine what it seems to be not entirely compatible. For example, the presented device has three modes of operation. It can work as a steamer, steam cleaner and kettle. This is the most real dream of travel. He will brew to you and tea, and the trousers will put in order, and even the bed will disinhibit just in case. At the same time, its body is completely small and even in a small road bag under it there will be a place. Although at home, he shows itself excellent. The model is perfectly stroking, cleans and eliminates dirt.
The wire is distinguished by a normal length, it is enough for convenient use. Made a steam cleaner from high-quality food plastic. The kit also includes nozzles, there are cups, slurry for a steamer and even the neck for the kettle. Buyers Aliexpress They argue that this is the best device and it is worth paying attention to it.
3rd place. ENDEVER ODYSSEY Q-602

This portable steam cleaner model with Aliexpress He is the best assistant of every mistress. It has everything you need for cleaning - a volumetric tank in 1 liter, good capacity, as well as a long cord. In addition, the device has a steam supply regulator and a comfortable carrying belt. The largest pressure is 1 bar. This suggests that the dried fat in the stove and the oven cannot be removed. But with a cafeter, he copes perfectly.
Includes there are additional nozzles that allow cleaning different surfaces. Despite this device, it is impossible to be called perfect. It has one feature that does not really like customers. When you press the button, it does not start working immediately, but if you hurry, the device will spit with water. The rest of the device works fine.
2nd place. LZHZXY HB-998

This is a universal portable model, which is characterized by an excellent set of nozzles designed for cleaning and disinfection at home. It looks like a vacuum cleaner, but only dust is not absorbed, steam is served, which cleans the surface. Thanks to this device, you can sip out clothes, clean carpets and furniture, as well as remove the flare from the tile.
LZHZXY HB-998 has an ergonomic housing that does not require much space. Inside there are cells where the cord and nozzles are stored. The steam supply is carried out under a pressure of 350 kPa. The device can work continuously for a long time. This is possible thanks to a two-liter Baku. For the home model it will be enough.
1st place. Yunlinli 7348CH

Yunlinli 7348CH
If it is important for you that the house is not only pure, but also safely, then look at this manual steam cleaner. The steam supply occurs with a high temperature of 200 degrees. This allows you to kill not only microbes and bacteria, but also fungal disputes. This model is the best in terms of ecology. With it, it is possible to spend even general cleaning and without cleaning products.
340 ml is contained in the water tank, and the power of the device is 1650 W. Continuously operates the device for 25 minutes, and then you need to add water to it. The handle of the model is very convenient, there is a steam adjustment, as well as protection that allows you to turn off the device in the absence of water in it. Buyers like a good set of nozzles, as well as compactness.
Manual steam cleaners on Aliexpress: examples of reviews
When choosing any product on Aliexpress Always study reviews about it. This makes it possible to understand whether it is worth buying it. Customers are always honestly told if they liked the goods, whether it is qualitative and what are the shortcomings. You can find reviews on a special tab on a product with a commodity, as shown in the picture below:

Reviews about steam cleaners