Rating of popular teeth whiters for Aliexpress in 2020: overview for purchases, references to the 2020 catalog
Teeth bleach on Aliexpress They are distinguished by a large variety and low prices. The quality is excellent. Let's find out what funds are the best.
Teeth whitening is a controversial procedure, which is reasoned by both patients and doctors. There is no single opinion on this account, but once they ask, it means that something needs to be offered. On Aliexpresspresented a separate section where all products are collected for teeth whitening. It can be entire systems in which gel enters, lamps and how. There are still Chinese and rapid tools, for example, strips, sticks, pastes, and so on. The page of each product contains information about unique impact, allowing you to make teeth perfectly white.
Just keep in mind that if you are from nature not the perfect color of enamel, then your teeth will not be completely white. Although, a couple of tones lighter to make them work. In addition, the whole yellowness from coffee and other pollution is removed from the teeth. We decided to figure out which products according to customers are the best.
If you are Aliexpress you still don't know anything yet, then you need to learn to make purchases. In fact, the placement of the order is no different from others, but it has its own characteristics. We talked about all of them here.
Teeth bechers for Aliexpress, popular in 2020: review, references to the catalog
As we said, to whiten the teeth on Aliexpressyou can find a bunch of different goods. They are highlighted in a separate large section. catalog 2020.submitted by reference. Below, we specifically picked up the best devices for whitening teeth according to buyers in 2020.
Systems with bleach gel
Systems for teeth whitening are a set consisting of strips and a gel, which includes a peroxide of caraxite in the amount of 10%. In addition, the package has a LED or infrared lamp, as well as kapa. Teeth whiten due to the active separation of oxygen under the influence of the lamp rays.
2nd place. Beurha SY-001329-YG

Beurha SY-001329-YG
We present you a popular copy of White Light bleach. The manufacturer's logo is displayed on the lamp from the kit. But only this product is not related to the real brand, although it works as well as the original. The difference lies in the fact that the set includes only two gel and they are both added to KAPU. That is, gels must be mixed and apply on the teeth, and then press them with a lamp.
Keep it all required 25 minutes. It will be more difficult for longer because it is impossible to swallow the saliva so that the bleach does not get inside. Reviews about this means are positive in most cases. Buyers often place photos before and after the procedure.
Although, no complaints. Some say that the tool does not whiten, but in fact the agent will not act in the case of "dead teeth" in which there is no nerve. In addition, it is impossible to remove pigmentation, which was caused by the intake of antibiotics.
1st place. AzDent Tooth Whitening Gel

AzDent Tooth Whitening Gel
The manufacturer declares that the bleach is professional, and in fact, it is practically so. In dentistry, similar systems really apply. A special gel is applied on the teeth, which consists of hydrogen peroxide and urea residues, which allows enamel oxygen. As a result, it blends.
The presented set has a comfortable lamp in the form of a kapa. It works from the network. To do this, you can use a special adapter or smartphone. Such a set is perfect for travel. In addition, the kit also contains a gel in three syringes, an adapter and shades scale.
Many noted that the instructions are not enough. Therefore, buyers do not know how long it is necessary to keep the product. All data is on the official website of the manufacturer and keep the lamp 30 minutes, and the course itself lasts 2 weeks.
Tooth bleach strips
Whitening strips work on the principle of systems. Only the substance should be applied to strips. These are usually pyroxide substances that disintegrate into components when contact with teeth. Use strips is very convenient. This is one of the most optimal and rapid ways to whiten your teeth.

Within 30 years, these teeth care products are the most popular. Although now there are more interesting competitors, but these funds still remain leaders. We present you a set that is enough for 10-20 days of use. Each package is two stripes.
They must be stuck on their teeth and keep half an hour. It is done without problems, and they do not slip. However, the use of the system can increase the sensitivity of the teeth, so be careful. During the period of the course, be sure to take additives with calcium in the composition to reduce the risk of side effects.
1st place. Genkent TW10885.

Genkent TW10885.
This system contains 14 pairs of stripes, each of which is in separate packages. Usually in the kit there is an instruction, but it is in English. The set is enough for the course. The manufacturer notes that the teeth will become lighter by 10 shades and can be controlled using a special scale.
In fact, the impact is not so effective. It all depends on what is your teeth standing. The product is well working on the teeth with a flaw and a dental stone. In addition, you first need to brush your teeth and only then use strips. It is even important to say that after the procedure, the sensitivity of the teeth becomes higher.
Bleach in the form of powders and paste
With the help of bleaching powders you can get rid of the plaque, which is the main reason for the blackout of the enamel. And it doesn't matter how often you will brush your teeth, it will still appear on their surface. Sometimes additional components add to the powder so that it becomes like a paste.
2nd place. Qic S48.

Qic S48.
If you have sensitive teeth, this tool is great for you. It has no preservatives, it contains exclusively essential oils, grass and camphor. Sodium lauryl sulfate is used as the main cleaning agent, which has a dubious reputation. Yes, it is actively used in cosmetology, but recently the results of research confirming the body for the body often appear.
A jar with a substance is very small, so it is enough for a short time. Some buyers note that the paste looks like soap due to the fact that it fits very well. It is impossible not to say that the tool copes perfectly with a bloody, even in the most hard-to-reach places. You should also know that the first effect becomes noticeable at least in a week. The taste of pasta is similar to the Vietnamese Balsam "Star".
1st place. Moonbiffy Bamboo Teeth Whitening

Moonbiffy Bamboo Teeth Whitening
This product has on Aliexpressmore than 46 thousand purchases. Many reviews are positive. It looks like a simple jar. It contains bamboo coal. This ingredient has a mass of positive properties. In this case, it allows you to whiten your teeth and disinfected the oral cavity.
But not everything is so beautiful, as it seems. Often buyers noted that the effect is not too noticeable. It is important to consider that the powder is abrasive, which removes the flare and brings them. The first time improvements will not be visible, and it is quite difficult to wash off a lot. So you have to clean the teeth of simple paste several times.
Bleaches for teeth on Aliexpress: examples of reviews
As we have already spoken, bleaching agents are not effective in each case. On Aliexpressselect them must be carefully and explore the reviews of other buyers. It is the opinion of those who have already made an order will help determine the choice. You can find them on a special tab on a page with a commodity:
