What is the seller rating for Aliexpress? How to deliver the seller of the star to Aliexpress?
Many buyers Aliexpress often ask questions about the rating and stars of the seller. Let's find out what is the rating and how to put stars to sellers on Aliexpress.
- What is the rating and stars of the seller for Aliexpress?
- How to evaluate the work of the store, the seller and put him the stars to Aliexpress?
- How to put stars to the Seller on AlExpress, if already confirmed the receipt of the order?
- Is it possible to change the stars, the Seller's rating for Aliexpress?
- How many stars put the seller on AliExpress?
- Video: Leave feedback on Aliexpress
To each buyer Aliexpress There was an opportunity to thank the store for a good job or warn others about his unfairness, a special system is used, which is called FIDBEK. Immediately after the transaction is completed, it is automatically proposed to put the seller of the stars and tell how to cooperate with him is successful.
If you are Aliexpress just want to make your first deal, then we recommend reading the article on the link here. It will tell you in detail how to make the first order and use the platform.
What is the rating and stars of the seller for Aliexpress?
When choosing a product on AliexpressEach buyer studies the seller's reviews and rating. In addition, reliability is determined by the same indicators. On a detailed description page, the percentage is always displayed, which speaks about the ratio of bad and good reviews, but it is not necessary to fully trust this indicator, since only buyers' opinions over the past half of the year are taken into account. At the same time, it is still impossible to find a store that has a great negative rating, since their sellers are quickly thrown.

Remember that left each review affects the seller's ranking for the best or worse. The work of the store on a five-point scale is estimated. Three stars are considered a neutral assessment, and therefore they do nothing to rating. And if the assessment is lower or higher, it will remove or add one score to the rating, respectively.
As you understand, your positive assessment makes the seller, let's say so well. Therefore, it is not surprised if you persistently persuade to leave a good feedback.
How to evaluate the work of the store, the seller and put him the stars to Aliexpress?
System for writing feedback on Aliexpress It is designed in such a way that only those who made an order can leave them. After the order is received, you need to do the following:
- Open your Personal Account and find "My orders"

My orders
- Here, near the desired purchase, select "Confirm receipt"
- You will immediately redirect to the form of the recall and you can share your impressions.

Review form
- First give a general assessment of the store. Then the stars include individual criteria. There are only three of them - the compliance of the product description, the speed of response to the messages and the speed of sending orders
- It is advisable to add product photos. This will make your review more detailed and useful for others.
- In a large window, describe the details. You can write in English or in Russian
- In order for your feedback to be anonymous, put a mark on the corresponding item or do not set anything and select "Publish"
Try to always evaluate the work of the seller, even if the purchase is completely cheap. So you will help other buyers get a more complete opinion about the product.
How to put stars to the Seller on AlExpress, if already confirmed the receipt of the order?
Not always buyers leave their feedback on the products obtained from Aliexpress straightaway. But nothing terrible, the client has a whole month in reserve to leave their opinion.
- Open "My orders" and select "Review Management"

Response Management
- Now you need a tab "My reviews are expected". It shows all things to which there are no reviews and not stars
- Another button for leaving the review is in the section with a list of orders:

Leave feedback
Is it possible to change the stars, the Seller's rating for Aliexpress?
In fact, such a function on Aliexpress Currently disabled. Previously, buyers could change their feedback from the bad to good, it was possible to change the evaluation. As for what is happening at the moment, this opportunity is not. Yes, you can add an additional comment to an existing one, but the estimate will remain the same. This is due to the fact that the sellers actively used the fact that the reviews can be changed to good and thus manipulated by buyers.
Therefore, if you have any problems with the goods, do not rush to put a bad assessment right away. Better talk to the seller, offer him a solution to the problem and drink bad rating. Then your problems will be solved more constructively and in the end both parties will be satisfied.
How many stars put the seller on AliExpress?
As we have already said, the rating system for Aliexpress Works on a five-point scale, and not just the store as a whole, but also additional parameters. What specifically to put the assessment, of course, to solve only you. Remember that you should not hurry to put bad marks, even if something is very upset. Always try to first decide all questions with the seller. If you are happy and very satisfied with the purchase acquired, then without a doubt you can put 5 stars. If it seems to be good, but it might be better, it is better to leave a neutral assessment, that is, the top three. But put bad estimates only as a last resort, if it's not entirely completely and worse right and worse.