Why is it not issued by an aliexpress order and what to do with it?
In this article we will talk about the reasons why it is impossible to place an order for AliexpressAnd also find out what to do about it.
Very often for beginners on Aliexpressthere are all kinds of questions about how to make orders. Yes, it is undoubtedly, those who have never bought anything in online stores, and even more so foreign, it is difficult to immediately imitate how orders are carried out on Aliexpress. If you have not yet figured out this process, then we recommend that you read our instructions on the link here.
In addition, it is not always possible to concern exactly the process of commissioning, sometimes there are simply errors that need to be eliminated. That's just about them we will talk about them.
Why it is impossible to place an order for Aliexpress and what to do with it: reasons, tips

Not issued order
First of all, you should understand that it was the reason for the impossibility of placing the order and only then understand how to eliminate the problem.
- First, make sure that you specifies correctly all your data. In particular, this concerns the delivery address. It must be completed in English. The fact is that for goods from Tmall.russian-speaking addresses are used, as the goods go from the territory of Russia and there is no need to translate addresses. So, if you have the Russian-speaking address by default, and you make the order from China, the system will not give you to checkout until you change the address. It turns out that to solve the current situation, you need to add a new address or simply choose another.
- Another error of ordering may be associated with payment. After placing the order, there may be a problem when paying. In such situations, you must first make sure that there are enough funds in your account and there are no restrictions. If everything is fine, but the payment does not pass anyway, then try to wait a bit. Perhaps the platform system is overloaded and it simply does not cope with payments. If for some time the error never eliminated, please contact Support Aliexpress.
- Another reason why it may not be possible to place an order - the goods ended and it is not in stock. Usually this situation is observed during large sales. Sellers lay out a limited amount of goods, and wishing to buy it a lot. Therefore, even if you begin to place an order, it is not a fact that you have time to buy goods. Or you just did not notice that the goods ran out, and the seller forgot him to remove it from sale.
- Do not forget to check on the page with the commodity that you have selected characteristics. Thus, if you did not choose a color or size, then the system Aliexpress it will not allow you to make an order until you decide on suitable characteristics.
In any case, it does not matter what the reason you have, on which you cannot checkout the order, any problems are still solved. Therefore, always try to solve questions yourself, and if nothing helps at all, do not be afraid to contact support Aliexpress.