How to pay for goods to aliexpress in cash? Where to pay cash for purchases on Aliexpress?
In this article, we will analyze how to pay for purchases with Aliexpress Cash.
- What you need to know to pay cash to Aliexpress?
- How and where will the money come back with Aliexpress when paying in cash?
- Payment by cash with aliexpress through the terminal
- Payment of goods with Aliexpress in cash at the ticket office, Euroset
- Payment of goods with Aliexpress in cash in the branch of Russian Post
- Video: Aliexpress. Payment by cash. Without maps
Today on Aliexpressavailable many ways to pay for goods. One of them is very relevant for those who do not use electronic wallet and is afraid to inform the data of their bank card - this is cash payment. To make a payment it is enough to contact one of the Euroset stores or connected, or by Russian Post and provide the order number. But first things first. Let's find out how cash is carried out on Aliexpress.
If you are still very new on this site and do not know how to buy shopping here, we advise you to learn the article on the link. here. She will tell you how to register, find you need and place an order.
What you need to know to pay cash to Aliexpress?
To make a payment for goods with Aliexpresscash - Consider some important points:
- When you decide which product you want to purchase, then place the order on it and on the page with the choice of payment method, select "Cash payment". In the window that appears, specify your phone number and will immediately come a message with a special code. Be sure to save it. Now you have 48 hours to pay for the purchase.

Cash payment
- Cash payment by Aliexpress it is possible in more than 37 thousand dotting points. Among them, the EUROSET and connected communication salons are especially allocated, as well as Russian Post.
- When paying there is a small nuance. The fact is that the amount of the order always comes in dollars and, as a rule, the course itself Aliexpress and paying points are different. Therefore, in translation of rubles you can get a small deviation.
- If you decide to pay the order in the terminal, then the maximum amount is 15 thousand rubles. With the sum of the order for a large amount, contact the cashier to pay it.
- Payment of cash purchases on Aliexpress it has a large number of advantages, since this method is considered the safest of all existing, because you do not inform your personal data, the details of the card or electronic wallets. Moreover, a pleasant moment is that no commissions are charged for payments.
Of course, this method has one drawback - for payment will have to come out of the house and go to the nearest possible point of payment. In addition, the payment is not credited instantly as in the case of other ways - for this you will have to wait a few hours or even days.
How and where will the money come back with Aliexpress when paying in cash?
If it happened that you had to return money for the goods with Aliexpressand you opened the dispute, the funds will be credited to the balance of the mobile phone. Yes, it is undoubtedly, they can always be brought to the map, but only for it will be pretty a considerable commission, so the only option is to spend money on Aliexpress on other purchases.
Returning money for quite a long time - up to two weeks, so be patient and wait until the tools are enrolled.
Payment by cash with aliexpress through the terminal
Salon connected allows you to pay for various services not only through the cashier, but also through the terminal, which is quite convenient. About how to do it right, we already told here.

Payment through terminal
There is one feature when paying in this way - the delivery is not returned. This is not quite a problem, since if you make more money than required, the difference will return to the balance of your mobile phone.
In addition, payments over 15 thousand rubles in the terminal are not accepted. Be sure to consider this fact and better contact the cashier to pay, so that you have no problems.
Payment of goods with Aliexpress in cash at the ticket office, Euroset
Pay for purchases S. Aliexpressit is possible not only in the terminals, but also at the box office of the Euroset salons and connected. To do this, just contact the cashier and inform him the order number. After receiving the check, it remains only to wait until the money is enrolled on Aliexpress. Be sure to keep the payment check, until the goods are received by you and checked.
Payment is carried out without any commission, since the Euroset and connected cooperate with Aliexpress. Therefore, no extra money with you will definitely ask you.
Payment of goods with Aliexpress in cash in the branch of Russian Post
To pay for the purchase with Aliexpress at the post office of Russian Post, you need to act in the same way as when paying in the salons of a connected and euroset. That is, you just need to contact the nearest compartment, call the operator the order number and make the required amount. Check also save until you receive the goods.