Discount on Aliexpress for the first order for new buyers during registration: how to get?
The article tells about discounts on " Aliexpress"After registration.
Is it possible to buy products in retail, but at prices at the level of wholesale? It turns out that it is possible. Today, almost everyone knows that a significant part of all sorts of goods is made in China, and we cannot reproach all these products in low quality. China, as a global factory, can produce products perfect for consumers.

Discount on Aliexpress for the first order for new buyers when registering how to get
A huge number of world brands holds its plants in the PRC, so buyers are much more profitable to acquire appropriate products directly in China at prices significantly lower than it could be done elsewhere. But how, for example, a simple Russian citizen to acquire the goods from the Chinese?
Everything is very simple. Chinese online store " Aliexpress"It is designed to make people from different countries of the world, without leaving the house, carry out orders in China and receive products of various kinds at wholesale prices. The store won tremendous popularity and at least a significant number of Internet users he should be familiar.

Discount on Aliexpress for the first order for new buyers when registering how to get
Today, our review we dedicate to those who are first faced with " Aliexpress" The fact is that after registering on this site you have the opportunity to get a special discount coupon for the first purchase. Below will talk about it in more detail.
Discount coupons for first order for beginners when registering on "Aliexpress"

Discount on Aliexpress for the first order for new buyers when registering how to get
First of all, we want to say that discounts in the online store " Aliexpress"- the phenomenon is not constant, but quite often happened. For example, a widely known promotion on "Aliexpress" with the assistance of the bank " Tinkoff" Website users could get a bank payment card and with her help to acquire goods in the online store with a discount to 50% for the first purchase. But besides this, users later received a discount of 3% for any other purchase on " Aliexpress", And 1% - when purchases in other similar stores.
We cannot guarantee that this action will act at the time of reading this article by you, but with a large share of probability on " Aliexpress"Other no less profitable shares with pleasant discounts will begin. And now let's talk about discounts on the first purchase for newbies.
When registering on " Aliexpress»Any user is immediately issued a discount coupon, which he can use, carrying out its first order. In this case, discounts can be different at different times. For example, in one period, the discount coupon meant a gift 5 dollars, and when buying a product for $ 100, the buyer paid only 95. Let not much, but quite nice.
If you want to make sure whether such a discounted coupon was handed you, then after registering in my "personal account", go to the section " My Coupons» (« My coupons»).

Discount on Aliexpress for the first order for new buyers when registering how to get
So, to get such a coupon, take the following actions:
- Register on the site " Aliexpress" The registration process is completely not complicated, no different from registration on any other sites. If you register with the phone, we recommend installing the appropriate mobile application, with which other promotions will also be available to you.
- By the way, when you are on the main page of the online store, pay attention to advertising banners. This is not just useless advertising, but information about new promotions and discounts.
- Passing through this linkYou will learn what suggestions related to discounts exist at this time for beginners.
- Insofar as " Aliexpress"Offers many different shares, you will be better to choose the most profitable for yourself. After all, the first purchase happens only once.
- Pay attention to the fact that the conditions will be given a particular coupon, which goods are provided with a discount, which discounts will be provided.
- Choose the goods that have loved you and put them in the basket, as is done in any online store.
- When you decide on the purchase, delete extra goods from the basket and place the purchase on what you most need. When placing an order, the system will require you to introduce a special code of the discount coupon issued to you.
- Next, pay for the goods and expect the parcel from " Aliexpress»

Discount on Aliexpress for the first order for new buyers when registering how to get
Also do not forget that:
There are discount coupons that act when buying goods from different sellers on " Aliexpress" But there are also such coupons that you can apply only when placing an order from one particular seller. Do not pounce immediately for each proposed coupon, carefully read what conditions you are offered, and compare it with other offers. Remember that coupons also have a validity period, after which they are annulled.
Video: How to use the Coupon on Aliexpress? How to get a coupon on Aliexpress for free?