Capple on Aliexpress - what is it for what is it necessary for? How can you get around Aliexpress?
In this article, we will talk to you that such a pin Aliexpress And how can it be bypass.
- What is a pin to Aliexpress and why is it needed?
- Why does a cross appear during the search for products for Ali Spress?
- How can you get around the captcha at the entrance to Aliexpress?
- How to get around Coupling on Ali Ekspress?
- How to get around Coupling on Ali Ekspress in the section "almost for nothing"?
- Video: How to buy on Aliexpress?
Today, many people make purchases on Aliexpress. And this is quite no wonder because there is a huge range here, there is a huge number of payment methods and is the possibility of free shipping. That's just this online store there is one small feature that acts repulsively - this is a pin. She needs to pay special attention and sometimes she takes precious time while you can handle it. Let's deal with you that this is for such a pin, why it is used and how to get around it.
If you are on this site for the first time, then we recommend learning the article on the link here. She will tell you how to make an order correctly, find and pay for goods.
What is a pin to Aliexpress and why is it needed?
Before dealing with the features of the work of Capps on AliexpressIt should be understood that it is generally so used for.

Capple on Aliexpress
In general, this term appeared at the beginning of the 21st century and translates from English as "tracing". For the Internet, the captcha is used so that the system can determine the person you or a robot. As a rule, it is a small test where you need to perform simple actions. For a person it will be very simple, but for a computer - almost impracticable.
At the moment, the captcha is a modern method for protecting sites, so it is actively used on all sites. But why this is such a problem for buyers Aliexpress. The bottom line is that to solve Capcha, you need to specify some information when searching for goods. This is not entirely convenient, since when you too often the appearance of Capper, buyers will simply prefer to choose another shop for shopping where it will not be.
Despite the fact that the captcha is not too convenient for users, it is still actively used, as popular all over the world and it has already become a kind of tribute to fashion. Usually, if you use everything, I want the same for myself.
Why does a cross appear during the search for products for Ali Spress?

Why does Capple appear?
The meaning of capping is to decrypt small texts in the picture and transfer them to a special line. At the same time, it is not necessary that it may be some numbers - it can be letters or mixed texts. As a rule, the Latin alphabet is used for capping, but sometimes Russian letters can be found. Mixed variants from two languages \u200b\u200bare extremely rare. In addition, you can find a captcha, where you need to solve a simple example, deduct or fold the numbers.
During the search for the goods pin Aliexpresslights for some reason:
- You add a lot of friends on social networks
- You leave too many comments on social networks and various sites.
- If you often post some kind of announcement, then you can also encounter
- With a frequent invitation to you in groups and the community, a pin is highlighted
- If you do a lot of orders on Aliexpress
As you can see, there are a lot of reasons. In fact, your total activity on the Internet is influenced by your total activity on the Internet, so that it doesn't bother you so much if you really actively use social networks, you should learn some secrets of bypassing this small, but sometimes the boning test.
How can you get around the captcha at the entrance to Aliexpress?
First, pay attention to the so-called "verification code", which is introduced at the entrance to Aliexpress. This is an additional protection method, as the entrance to the site is complicated.

Entrance to Aliexpress
After you write your login and password, then in the string "Verification code" You must click on the switch and spend it to the right until the line becomes green. On this check will be passed. Although, sometimes after pressing the input button, an additional captcha is displayed. Here you already enter numbers, letters or everything together, which is just indicated in the picture. After that, the system is already allowed to the site.
You should know that this procedure is not at all difficult, but it is important to do everything quickly. If you are too tightened, you will have to do everything again. In this case, if you have highlighted a pin, then you can bypass it simply by updating the page.
How to get around Coupling on Ali Ekspress?
When choosing goods on Aliexpressyou can also encounter the need to enter caps. Usually it appears when you add a lot and add a lot to the basket. Mostly temporary gap is from 30 seconds to 1 minute. If you add goods more often than or in such intervals, you will definitely display a pin.
Another frequent occasion when a cross appears - you paid more than three orders in a row. In this case, you can encounter pipples, which are shown incorrect and it turns out that you need to rotate the pictures to solve it. This is more costly occupation and sometimes it becomes a real torture if Suddenly the Internet works slowly or computer.
Usually, when you see Copper, it is better, of course, it is fair to decide for it, but sometimes it beat off anyone's desire to buy one or another product. Special services are designed specifically for such situations that solve the captcha automatically. You just need to install and configure a special program. But you also need to understand that the mechanisms are constantly changing and have to periodically look for new programs. In any case, it is not difficult to find them, since the developers also track innovations and adjust programs for them.
How to get around Coupling on Ali Ekspress in the section "almost for nothing"?

Capple in the section Almost free
As you know, when buying goods in the section "Almost free" on Aliexpress also you have to enter a pin. Here only in this sale is important every second and if you do not own a quick set, you can miss a favorable offer. What in this case to do? Everything is much easier here than it may seem - just use a mobile application. Aliexpress for purchases - in it, Capper is not required.